Friday, November 6, 2009

New doctor

Yesterday my husband and I went in for our first prenatal appointment. After we lost Ethan I cancelled my medical insurance and decided the whole medical world ,of doctors and needles and stupid-insensitve comments, could go straight to hell. Of course that backfired on me once we decided we were going to try to have another baby. I had to jump through ridiculous hoops for Healthnet to try to get my health insurance again. Took them two months to do anything with my application. Then after waiting two months they denied my coverage because right after Ethan died I had taken Ambien ( NEVER even refilled it) to help me sleep. Their reason for declining me? DUE TO MY SEVERE SLEEPING DISORDER. No kidding! They denied me for having ONE perscription EVER for Ambien after losing my son. So, I had to then go to my doctor and get a letter explaining that I had only had the one perscription almost a year ago. It then took Healthnet ANOTHER month to decide that they would be gracious enough to cover me but at a 50% premium increase. Which would make my premium about $600 a month. All because I had the nerve to actually use my medical and get some help from MY doctor. They wanted me to have my medical , they just didn’t really want me to USE it! I told HEALTHNET to go screw themsleves. And I went elsewhere. To a place that did not make me feel like a monster because I had a rough time after losing my son. They didn’t make me jump through any hoops. They even offered lower premiums for better coverage!! What a concept!

SO. Yesterday my husband and I went to meet my new OB/GYN. I was really nervous. This doctor knew nothing of or about Ethan or what happened with him. He knew nothing about me. So I took my medical records in to him, hoping this would make it so much easier. But in the end? I didn’t need any of it. He came in with a warm smile and gentle heart. He asked questions and actually listened. And when we spoke of Ethan? He wrote his name down and then repeated all of our sons’ ages and names back to us; Ethan included. He made us feel so normal and so welcome. And the fact that he knows Ethan’s name? I don’t know exactly why but that makes him the most amazing doctor in the world to me!


At November 20, 2009 at 12:14 PM , Blogger Christy said...

Haven't heard from you in a while and wanted to check in...make sure you are doing okay (and getting fat, right?) Also to make sure I'm not missing your posts on your old blog site or something....
Hope you have a relaxing turkey week.


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